Donation to the López-Uribe Lab

Donations will help to continue diverse research on bee health in the López-Uribe Lab and Center for Pollinator Research at Penn State. Please click here to donate online. Your donations will support our research endeavors to bring awareness, education and  further research toward bee health and conservation. Click on each image below for more information about our research  

Citizen Science

Our lab engages the local community in a variety of research that will impact the community

Pollinator Health


Our research supports integrated approaches to management practices for improved pollinator health. 

Bee Diversity

We support research and education related to native pollinators and bee diversity

Apiculture Research and Education

Our apicultural program supports research in honey bee health and outreach to the beekeeping community


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The goal of our extension program is to provide the tools for stakeholders and the public to understand the foundation of bee biology, their role as pollinators, the environmental threats to their populations and potential solutions to their decline.